Esquema de la osificación heterotópica neurogénica
Figura 1: Resumen gráfico de la osificación heterotópica neurogénica y la posible sinergia entre un traumatismo craneoencefálico y una fractura de hueso largo en la formación de hueso ectópico .

Search for protein and cellular biomarkers for the characterization and diagnosis of heterotopic ossification.


Heterotopic ossification is a pathology characterized by the ectopic formation of mature laminar bone in soft tissues that leads to severe disability, reduced movement, functional dependence, as well as hindering the quality of life

Our group focuses on one variant of this pathology: the neurogenic heterotopic ossification associated with head trauma. Specifically, we focus on the search for protein and cellular biomarkers for the prevention and diagnosis of the disease.

Likewise, given the scarcity of effective therapeutic approaches and their invasivity, our group focuses on the study of new therapies for neurogenic heterotopic ossification through drug repositioning.